Indian Cobra

Naja naja

Description 2


  • Highly Venomous Elapid
  • Also called : Spectacled Cobra
  • Part of Big 4 : High frequency of snakebites due to presence near human habitations.
  • Neurotoxic Venom : Paralyzes muscles leading to respiratory and cardiac failure.


  • Distinctive Spectacled Pattern on Hood that is raised when threatened.
  • Elliptical head, smooth and shiny scales with dorsal color varying with geographical region.
  • South Indian Variety : Yellowish brown dorsal with prominent hood pattern. Some show slight banding on posterior body.
  • North Indian Variety : Much darker brown while some Northwestern individuals are black. Hood pattern might be absent.
  • Wide black band under hood along with mottling on ventrals is a common feature.
  • Slightly heavy-bodied while also slender. Grow upto 3-5 feet on average.


  • Common throughout India except high altitudes and deserts.
  • Usually found in forests, agricultural lands and near human habitations due to abundance of rats.
  • Prefer close proximity to water and deep hiding places like Mammal burrows, Termite mounds, Tree Hollows and Rock Piles .


  • Preys on small mammals like rats, frogs, toads, eggs and sometimes birds .
  • Primarily terrestrial but climb and swim well in search of prey.
  • Most active during hours of daylight and darkness (crepuscular). Seen during day too.
  • Extremely alert and tend to shy away from human confrontation.
  • When threatened, they display hood and hiss loudly. Stay very focused on one threat.
  • Often give mock bites in an attempt to warn and not use venom.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Vinay Gogula, all rights reserved, uploaded by Vinay Gogula
  2. (c) Vinay Gogula, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

iNat Map

Found Common
Toxicity Venomous