Golden-scruffy Collybia

Cyptotrama asprata

Summary 2

Cyptotrama asprata (alternatively spelled aspratum), commonly known as the golden-scruffy collybia, is a saprobic species of mushroom in the family Physalacriaceae. Widely distributed in tropical regions of the world, it is characterized by the bright orange to yellow cap that in young specimens is covered with tufts of fibrils resembling small spikes. This fungus has had a varied taxonomical history, having been placed in fourteen genera before finally settling in

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) JJ Harrison, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  2. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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1. pileo si
1.1 color pileo amarillo, naranja
1.2 escamas parches o verrugas (epv) si
1.3 color (epv) amarillo, blanco, naranja
2. tallo si
2.1 color tallo amarillo, blanco, naranja
2.6 estrias o escamas si
3. laminas si
3.1 color laminas blanco
5. crece sobre madera o madera enterrada si