Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi

Summary 2

Lepidocephalichthys jonklaasi, known as the Jonklaas's loach or the spotted loach, is an endemic fish species restricted to the wet zone of Sri Lanka. The species was first recorded from the Wilpita area (Daraniyagala 1952). It is currently known from 12 locations in the wet zone including Beraliya, Dombagaskandha, Madakada, Gilimale, Hiyare, Kottawa, Kanneliya, Weddagala, Nakiyadeniya, Pahiyangala and Boralugoda. It is recorded from a wide range of altitudes. Due to i

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  1. (c) QuestaGame, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by QuestaGame
  2. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lepidocephalichthys_jonklaasi

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