Red Wattlebird

Anthochaera carunculata

Summary 2

The red wattlebird (Anthochaera carunculata) is a passerine bird native to southern Australia. At 33–37 cm (13–14 1⁄2 in) in length, it is the second largest species of Australian honeyeater. It has mainly grey-brown plumage, with red eyes, distinctive pinkish-red wattles on either side of the neck, white streaks on the chest and a large bright yellow patch on the lower belly. The sexes are similar in plumage. Juveniles have less prominent wattles and browner eyes. John White descri

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Colin Richardson, all rights reserved, uploaded by Colin Richardson
  2. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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