Zanna natalensis

Author 3

Distant, 1893

Synonymy 3

Pyrops natalensis

Taxonomy note 3

Linnavuori 1973 casually refers to natalensis as a synonym of tenebrosa, which may be true

Description 3

Head, thorax, tegmina, and legs luteous, slightly tinged with testaceous; cephalic process irregularly spotted with black, and with a central elongate ochraceous spot at base; thorax thickly and finely spotted with black, the lateral angles and apex of the mesonotum impunctate; tegmina obscurely and finely spotted with black, the spots most distinct and prominent on costal and apical areas, which are also paler in hue; wings pitchy black; abdomen black, above with the posterior segmental margins brownish, beneath with oblique marginal ochraceous spots; legs irregularly spotted with black. Cephalic process long and robust, coarsely rugose, with three prominent longitudinal narrow waved carinæ above, and two beneath, the others merged and tessellate, the apex obliquely and concavely truncate. Long. from eyes to apex of abdomen, 28 millim.; cephalic process from eyes to apex, 18 millim.; exp. tegm. 85 milim.

Hab. Natal; Durban (coll. Dist.). A species to be differentiated from the other black- winged Ethiopian species by the length and rugosity of the cephalic process.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) NHM London, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by NHM London
  2. Distant, 1907, no known copyright restrictions (public domain), uploaded by Distant, 1907
  3. (c) C. Mallory, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

iNat Map

Distribution East Africa, Equatorial Africa, Southern Africa, Sub-equatorial Africa