Zanna rendalli

Author 3

Distant, 1905

Description 3

Allied to P. pustulatus, Gerst., from which it differs by the longer, more robust, and obliquely ascending head; colour of tegmina and wings as in Gerstaecker's species. I have had in my possession for the last ten years a mutilated specimen (wanting the abdomen and legs), given me by Dr. P. Rendall, who captured it at Zomba; in working over the genus I am now compelled to shortly describe it as above.

Exp. tegm. 72 mm. Ilab. B. C. Africa: Zomba (Dr. P. Rendall, Coll. Dist.). Length of head (P. pustulatus, Gerst.) 7-7 mm.; apex of cephalic process slightly depressed. Length of head (P. Rendalli, Dist.) 10 mm.; apex of cephalic process obliquely erect.

Synonymy 3

Pyrops rendalli

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) NHM London, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by NHM London
  2. Distant, 1907, no known copyright restrictions (public domain), uploaded by Distant, 1907
  3. (c) C. Mallory, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Distribution East Africa