Zanna wroughtoni

Author 3

Distant, 1907

Description 3

Head, pronotum, sentellam, body beneath and legs testaceous-red, abdomen above black: tegmina testaceous-red, their apical areas more or less ochraceous; wings black, apical areas and posterior and anal margins pale fuliginous subhyaline, the veins testaceous or black; cephalic process with three black tubercular spots on each side of disk, its length about equal to pronotum and senteilum together, thickly coarsely punetate, above distinctly centrally and indistinctly laterally carinate, beneath distinctly laterally and indistinetly eentrally carinate, the apex with two transverse ridges above and spatulate beneath with the edges raised; pronotum punctate, a little transversely wrinkled and sprinkled with some small scattered black spots; scutellum with four indistinct piecous fascine; abdomen above with the posterior segmental margins a little paler; elypeus, body beneath and legs more or less sprinkled with black, apices of the tarsi piceous; tegmina with small scattered black spots, and with five discal ochraceous tuberculous spots. 3. Long, exel. tegm. 28 millim. Long, ceph. process, 8 millim. Exp. tegm. 68 millim.

HAB.-Basuto Land: Maseru (Wroughton).

The typical specimen which forms the subject of this description and figure was captured and presented to me by Mr. R. C. Wroughton in Basuto Land. It is intermediate between P. pustulosus and P. flammea, Linn., a West African species; it is allied to the first by the colour of the wings, and to the latter by the length and structure of the cephalic process.

Synonymy 3

Pyrops wrougtoni

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) NHM London, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by NHM London
  2. Distant, 1907, no known copyright restrictions (public domain), uploaded by Distant, 1907
  3. (c) C. Mallory, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Distribution Southern Africa