Hypselometopum morosa

Author 3

Westwood, 1851

Description (from Walker, 1851) 3

Body tawny, short and stout: crown of the head surrounded by a ridge, somewhat pointed in front; face slightly rugulose, not ridged: mouth ferruginous, with a black tip extending to the hind- hips: shield of the middle-chest not ridged: abdomen partly black, broader but not longer than the chest: legs ferruginous; anterior shanks slightly widened; hind-shanks armed with spines: fore-wings green, adorned with many tawny spots and along the fore border with five quadrilateral yellow spots; reticulated part black; veins tawny: hind-wings bright red with black tips. Length of the body 6 lines: of the wings 18 lines.

a, b. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) NHM London, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by NHM London
  2. Distant, 1907, no known copyright restrictions (public domain), uploaded by Distant, 1907
  3. (c) C. Mallory, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Distribution Southern Africa