Xosophara guttata

Author 3

Walker, 1851

Description 3

Body pale fawn-colour, nearly flat above, buff beneath; head flat, conical, longer than the shield of the chest, adorned above with four black dots, the inner pair of which are in advance of the outer pair; a ridge above, along each side and along the front which forms a thin edge: mouth pale fawn-colour with a ferruginous tip, reach- ing beyond the hind-hips: eyes brownish, adorned with five yellow hands: feelers yellow: shield adorned with four black dots, the middle pair larger and slightly in advance of the outer pair: scutcheon with ten black dots, six along the fore border and two along each side: breast whitish: abdomen obeonical, not longer than the chest: legs pale tawny, darker towards the tips; claws black: wings yellowish-brown, red towards the base; veins and fore bordér green. Length of the body 9 lines; of the wings 22 lines.

a. Port Natal. From M. Gueinzius' collection. b. Pupa? Zoolu, South Africa. Presented by G. F. Angas, Esq.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) NHM London, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by NHM London
  2. Distant, 1908, no known copyright restrictions (public domain), uploaded by Distant, 1908
  3. (c) C. Mallory, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

iNat Map

Distribution Southern Africa