narrow filmy-fern

Hymenophyllum rarum

Summary 2

Hymenophyllum rarum (Hymen-O-FIL-lum rare-um), the narrow filmy-fern, is a species of fern from the family Hymenophyllaceae. This thin-leaved fern is commonly found in New Zealand and Tasmania, growing in patches on rocks and is epiphytic on trees and tree ferns, growing in moist gullies or rainforests. A rather drought tolerant species often found at exposed sites ranging from coastal to montane areas. Forming extensive, interwoven and creeping patches with its thin long (cr

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  1. (c) harrylurling, some rights reserved (CC BY-ND), uploaded by harrylurling
  2. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

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