yellow foxtail

Setaria pumila

Grass family (Poaceae) 4

Summary 5

Setaria pumila is a species of grass known by many common names, including yellow foxtail, yellow bristle-grass, pigeon grass, and cattail grass. It is native to Europe, but it is known throughout the world as a common weed. It grows in lawns, sidewalks, roadsides, cultivated fields, and many other places. This annual grass grows 20 centimeters to well over a meter in height, its mostly hairless stems ranging from green to purple-tinged in color. The leaf

Similar species 4

Giant foxtail (Setaria faberi) and green foxtail (Setaria viridis) are also common weeds with a similar appearance, but lack the yellowish tint of the hairs.

Learn more 4

Cornell Weed Identification, Cornell University.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Jeff Skrentny, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Jeff Skrentny,
  2. (c) Isaac Winkler, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Isaac Winkler,
  3. (c) Wolfgang Jauch, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Wolfgang Jauch,
  4. (c) Isaac Winkler, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  5. Adapted by Isaac Winkler from a work by (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),

More Info

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Plant family Poaceae
Flower hue green/inconspicuous