White Spot Assassin Bugs


Location in Zoo 2

Congo Gorilla Forest Bronx Zoo

Habitat 2

These creatures survive best in the humid tropical forests of Africa. Such areas include much greenery and water sources, and provide ample resources in terms of food for the assassin bug.

Diet 2

The white spot assassin bug in mainly carnivorous, and eats small insects such as crickets and beetles.

Adaptations 2

The assassin bug has a mouth that forms a beak, which allows it to inject venom into its prey.
The creature's coloration allows it to be camouflaged, or hidden from the view of both predators and prey. However, if a predator does catch sight of it, it will be warned off based on its coloration that the bug is poisonous and unpleasant to eat.

Assassin bugs lie in wait for their prey, often on rotting logs. They are hidden, allowing them to make a surprise attack and more likely catch their food.
White spot assassin bugs suck out the liquified innards of its prey, possibly enabling a faster eating technique.

White spot assassin bugs are able to produce a toxic most that they spray from their abdomen in order to defend from predators.

Conservation Status 2

The white spot assassin bug has not yet been reviewed by the IUCN, so presumably it is not in much known danger at the present time.

Taxonomy/Living Relations 2

White spot assassin bugs are members of the family Reduviidae. They are related to other assassin bugs such as the wheel bug and masked hunter.

Online Sources 2


Sources and Credits

  1. (c) congobronxzoo, all rights reserved
  2. (c) congobronxzoo, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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