Vigna microsperma

Plant descriptions 2

Stems and leaf petioles glabrous or with a few hairs when young; Stipules rounded basally, not lobed; Leaflets on the upper part of the stems often narrowly oblong to narrowly triangular; Upper calyx teeth fused into a bifid lobe; pods erect, linear-cylindrical, not compressed, 2 - 3 mm broad; Seeds (6-) 8 - 10 per pod, c. 2 mm long, without a well developed rim-aril.

Elevation 2

1200 - 1600 m

Similar species 2

V. microsperma ressembles to V. parkeri, but can be distinguished by its pods deflexed, linear-oblong and compressed.

Référence 2

David Du Puy & al. 2002.- The Leguminosae of Madagascar. Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew.

Sources and Credits

  1. no rights reserved, uploaded by Romer Rabarijaona
  2. (c) Romer Rabarijaona, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

More Info

Range Map

(c) @KMCC, some rights reserved (CC-BY-SA)

iNat Map

Taxonomy:family Fabaceae
Flowering month April, December, February, January, March, November
Color pink
Plant growth form Forb or herb, Vines
Vegetation cultivation