Ravenea madagascariensis Becc.

Ravenea madagascariensis

Descriptions 3

Graceful palm, generally of high plateaux. Base of trunk often thickened and with surface roots. Leaves usually straight.

Biology And Ecology 3

Moist to rather dry hill forest, on steep slopes or hill crests, occasionally on steep slopes in riverine forest; 25-1700 m.

References 3

Sources and Credits

  1. no rights reserved, uploaded by Romer Rabarijaona
  2. (c) Lauren Gardiner, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA), uploaded by Lauren Gardiner
  3. (c) Romer Rabarijaona, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Inflorescencebranchingorder 1, 2
Genus Ravenea
Crownshaft Reduced
Stem diameter >15 cm
Leaves pinnate with two or more leaflets
Plantgrowthform Solitary
Inflorescence between leaves