Northern Two-lined Salamander

Eurycea bislineata

Appearance 2

Their back is greenish to yellowish brown with a dark brown to black stripe on each side of the body. There are small brown or black spots that vary in number and position.
The chests are pale to yellow.

Habitat 2

This species habitat consists of streamsides along small to medium sized streams, springs, and hillside seeps with sandy to gravel substrate and rock or log cover.

Reproduction 2

Breeding takes place in October through May. Eggs are laid in April or May. The female will attach the eggs to the underside of submerged rocks or aquatic plants. She guards the eggs until they hatch.

Fun Fact 2

They are collected and used as fishing bait by humans.

Citations 3

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Ken-ichi Ueda, some rights reserved (CC BY),
  2. Adapted by loveem01 from a work by (c) gburg2016, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)
  3. (c) loveem01, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Category Amphibians and Reptiles