Gray Tree Frog

Hyla versicolor

Appearance 2

3.18-5.22 centimeters long. Brown, green and/or gray with rough, warty skin. They can change their color to match their surroundings. Large, irregularly-shaped, darker patches on their backs. Large, sticky toe-pads. Bright yellow or orange inside thighs.

Habitat 2

Forests near permanent water. In the summer they live in rotting logs and hollow trees. In the winter they hibernate under tree roots and leaves.

Behavior/Reproduction 2

Eggs are laid in shallow pools, and they remain tadpoles for around two months. They are nocturnal, stay in trees and shrubs, and they have a shrill chirping call. In winter they hibernate.

Fun Fact 2

During hibernation they can freeze over by about 40%.

Citations 2

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Matthew, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) gburg2016, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Category Amphibians and Reptiles