Eastern Red Bat

Lasiurus borealis

Appearance 2

Red bats are medium sized bats having a total length of 93 to 117 mm. The coat varies in color from a brick red to a yellowish red. The fur is white at the tips, giving these bats a frosted appearance. In general, female bats appear more frosted compared to males, and males have a redder color than females.

Habitat 2

Red bats are widely distributed in forested regions throughout the Americas, and they migrate to warmer regions in the winter. They tend to choose habitats that have few humans and are rare in cities and towns.

Behavior/Reproduction 2

Female red bats give birth to one litter of twins each year, unlike most bats which give birth to single young. Red bats are migratory, arriving in the northern climates in mid-April and leaving in late October. Red bats choose roosting sites in thick foliage. They may be seen hanging from branches or leaves but their coloration helps to camouflage them from predators.

Fun Fact 2

They may be able to mate during flight.

Citations 2


Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Anita Gould, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Anita Gould, http://www.flickr.com/photos/anitagould/123840781/
  2. (c) gburg2016, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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