Eurasian Water Chestnut

Trapa natans

Appearance 2

Aquatic plant. Long stem with leaves mainly at the top of the stem, which float on the water. The leaves are wide, triangle-shaped and heavily toothed and are clumped together in a rosette. Underwater leaves are featherlike. It grows small, white, four-petalled flowers which turn into hard, spiky nuts.

Introduction 2

Imported before 1979 as an ornamental plant.

Similar Native Species 2


Impacts on Ecosystem 2

Crowds out and shades out other aquatic plants. Decreases oxygen levels in water.

Citations 2

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Karelj, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  2. (c) gburg2016, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Category Invasive Species