Northern Black Racer

Coluber constrictor constrictor

Appearance 1

Can grow to be 191 centimeters. They are solid black or blue. They have round heads and are nonvenomous.

Habitat 1

Meadows, thin, forest and swamps - places that are warm and sunny.

Behavior/Reproduction 1

Black racers mate in late April to early June after hibernation. The female lays 3-32 eggs a few months later in June to early July under tree stumps or in burrows. The females mature after 2-3 years and males mature after 1-2 years.

The snakes are mostly active by day. They escape predators by darting into brush or low tree branches, and they may bite. They hibernate underground.

Fun Fact 1

Black racers will lay their eggs with the eggs of other species of snake.

Citations 1

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) gburg2016, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Category Amphibians and Reptiles