Barred Owl

Strix varia

Summary 7

The Barred Owl (Strix varia) is a large typical owl native to North America. Best known as the Hoot Owl for its distinctive call, it goes by many other names, including Eight Hooter, Rain Owl, Wood Owl, and Striped Owl.

Strix varia 8

A large (17-24 inches) owl, the Barred Owl is most easily identified by its brown back, barred brown breast, and flat disk-shaped face with dark brown eyes. This species may be distinguished from the Great Horned Owl (Bubo virginianus) by that species’ conspicuous “ear” tufts and from the related Great Gray Owl (Strix nebulosa) by that species’ yellow eyes. Male and female Barred Owls are similar to one another at all seasons. The Barred Owl inhabits much of the eastern United States and southern Canada. This species is also found in western Canada and the Pacific Northwest, and isolated populations exist in the mountains of central Mexico. All populations of Barred Owl are non-migratory. Barred Owls may be found in a number of woodland habitat types across its wide range, including deciduous, evergreen, and mixed forests. However, this species is limited by its preference for dense, mature forests to younger and more open woodland, and has suffered in recent times from logging. Barred Owls primarily eat small animals, including birds, rodents, reptiles, and amphibians. Barred Owls use their excellent hearing to locate prey on the ground in order to fly down and capture it with its talons. Also, like most owls, this species hunts primarily at night, making it difficult to observe. Barred Owls are most visible roosting high in trees during the day, and may best be located while producing this species’ characteristic “who cooks for you?” calls between dawn and dusk.

Threat Status: Least concern

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Jason Means, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND),
  2. (c) 2011 Kameron Perensovich, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),
  3. (c) Blake Matheson, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  4. (c) Blake Matheson, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  5. (c) Kent McFarland, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  6. (c) Kent McFarland, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  7. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  8. (c) Unknown, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),

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