Cajanus scarabaeoides

Summary 3

Cajanus scarabaeoides is a flowering plant in the genus Cajanus Of the 32 different species within the genus Cajanus, only one, C. cajan (pigeonpea), is cultivated. Cajanus scarabaeoides is the closest wild relative to C. cajan, and is one of the easiest wild species to cross with pigeonpea cultivars. C. scarabaeoides is found naturally in both temperate and tropical zones around the globe. This species has higher levels of drought tolerance, is found to have greater...

Diagnostic 4

"Slender twining herbs; stem brown tomentose. Leaves 3-foliolate; leaflets to 4 x 2.5 cm, obovate or elliptic, obtuse, basally 3-nerved, reticulations prominent, often with resinous dots below, exstipellate. Flowers racemose or paniculate, pale-yellow, 0.8 cm long in axillary pairs; bracts large, caducous; bracteoles absent. Calyx persistent, tomentose, lobes linear, 0.5 cm long, upper 2-lobes connate. Standard petal with two inflexed auricles at base; keel petals slightly incurved. Stamens 9+1; anthers uniform. Ovary tomentose, sessile, 3 or more ovuled; style filiform, inflexed; stigma small, terminal. Pods brown tomentose, 2-2.5 cm long, obliquely deeply grooved between seeds; seeds strophiolate."

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) ashegan, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by ashegan
  2. (c) antaryami, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)
  3. (c) Wikipedia, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA),
  4. (c) India Biodiversity Portal, some rights reserved (CC BY),

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