Echo Azure

Celastrina echo

Summary 2

Echo Azures (wingspan 19 - 32 mm) range from Southern British Columbia, east to Montana and south along the Pacific Coast to Baja California, using a wide variety of habitats with woody host plants. Larvae feed on a variety of plants including wild lilacs, California buckeye, and blackberries. With multiple flights per year, adults are active from spring to fall, feeding on larval host plants as well as toyon, cascara, and pussypaws.

Previously the Azures were considered one species, but taxonomists have recently begun reclassification into multiple species. Originally listed in Park documents as Celastrina argiolus ladon, the Common Azure of the West is now recognized as Celastrina echo.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Bob Chinn, all rights reserved, uploaded by Bob Chinn
  2. (c) Bob Chinn, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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