saltmarsh fleabane

Pluchea odorata succulenta

Summary 2

Saltmarsh fleabane is an annual or perennial herb growing erect that reaches its mature height of 4-6 ft. by early summer. The leaves are 2-6 inches in length, elliptical in shape, alternate with a toothed margin, and a nearly 3/4-inch-long petiole that attaches them to the main stem. The glandular leaves are a soft pubescent gray-green that are strongly scented. Flowering occurs from summer to early fall. The pink to rosy cup-shaped flowers are borne atop the main stems in flat clusters called cymes. Only a few remain open at any one time. Saltmarsh fleabane occurs statewide in Florida in a wide variety of wet sites from tidal marshes to the edges of wet ditches and hardwood hammocks.

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) t_kok, all rights reserved
  2. (c) t_kok, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA)

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Leaf arrangement Alternate
Leaf characteristics Aromatic, Pubescent
Flowers Pink, Purple
Leaf type Simple
Leaf shape Elliptic