Bluestripe snapper

Lutjanus kasmira

Summary 4

"Distinctly coloured, Blueline Snappers have a bright yellow back and sides, with the lower sides and underside of head fading to white. Four bright-blue stripes run longitudinally on the side of the fish, with several faint greyish stripes on lowermost part of sides. All fins are yellow. Inspite of being one of the most common medium-sized fish in the reef, the demand for this fish species for their delicious flesh is so high that they have been introduced to Hawaii, and are fished in large numbers. Blueline snappers usually swim in large schools, or groups, around the reef, caves, and even shipwrecks. They have been known to steal food from other Hawaiian fishes and crowd them out of their homes on the reef."

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Ivo Antušek, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  2. (c) Ivo Antušek, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC),
  3. (c) Williams, Jeffrey T., some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-SA),
  4. (c) India Biodiversity Portal, some rights reserved (CC BY),

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