Bigmouth Sleeper

Gobiomorus dormitor

Summary 3

Gobiomorus dormitor is 1 of 7 freshwater fish on St. Thomas. This species is diadromous or migratory, meaning that this species requires a marine stage before migrating into freshwater bodies as post-larvae (juveniles). This species of sleeper was only collected once in my M.S thesis research at the University of the Virgin Islands. This fish species prefers to sit on the bottom in slow moving waters. It camouflages itself on the bottom in leaves or near logs or woody debris. The Bigmouth sleeper is a carnivore and uses its ambush tactics to feed on insects, other invertebrates and other fish. This species is light to dark brown with a lighter white belly (ventral side).

Sources and Credits

  1. (c) Kayla Tennant, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND), uploaded by Kayla Tennant
  2. (c) Kayla Tennant, all rights reserved, uploaded by Kayla Tennant
  3. (c) Kayla Tennant, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC-ND)

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