Berkeley Marina Walk

On Sunday June 2, 2013 I walked along the Berkeley Marina from 2:00 P.M. till about 4:30 P.M.. I chose to do this field study, because i live fairly close to the marina, however, I've never explored its biodiversity. It was very interesting to observe all the different plants around the path and along the beach. At this field study I learned that the marina has a wide variety of plants, but due to the path built their is less variety than there would otherwise be. There were also many insects, mainly bees. I was most surprised to find mushrooms on a patch of grass by the docks. There weren't many but they were rather large.

On my walk I also noticed a lot of trash. After paying close attention to the plant life I realized that the amount of trash could potentially harm these plants. People should respect that area more. Maybe the Marina should promote the use of trash cans. The plastic on the ground could also threaten the birds, mainly seagulls, that fly down and pick up food.

While on the walk, looking for bugs and animals, I suddenly saw a huge bee. I was with my friends. The bee startled me so much that I jumped up and yelled. I then realized that it would be great to upload a picture of it so I turned around and snapped a picture. My friends thought it was very funny. Another story was that after I'd explored the path I decided to walk down the pier. The only thing I saw were dead fish that had just been caught and were being cleaned out on a big table. It was pretty grotesque, and although a picture of a fish could have been good to upload I couldn't bring myself to take a picture of a dead one.

Posted on June 3, 2013 01:40 AM by claudiafrankel claudiafrankel


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