May 5, 2018

Update on various matters. We can see four Bewick's wren hatchlings in Cheryl's Nest Box and are, of course, anxious that they will fledge. House sparrows seem interested in inhabiting Nest Box Delta (are they responsible for destroying/removing the Eastern bluebird eggs?), but we have put up streamers on the box to hamper their attempts. There are now four Eastern bluebird eggs in Nest Box Bravo, but the five eggs in Nest Box Foxtrot have disappeared (sparrows, again?). We have removed that nest, hoping for a second try by the bluebirds.

We selectively sprayed mesquite trees throughout the prairie with Remedy Ultra on 4/27, and it seems to have the desired effect. On the other hand, we sprayed emerging bull nettle with 41% glyphosate (Roundup equivalent), and there doesn't seem to be any effect. While glyphosate is not specifically called out for bull nettle, we applied it last year with apparent success. However, since this was also applied to some undesirable grass in our driveway and did not kill it, we believe there may be something wrong with the mixture we used. We will try again.

Posted on May 5, 2018 04:48 PM by dracowildlife dracowildlife


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