Journal 1

There are two components that have effects on an environment, biotic and abiotic influences. Biotic factors are living organisms that affect other living organisms. Some examples include things such as animals, fish, and insects. Abiotic factors are nonliving components residing in the environment that affect both the environment and its organisms. Rocks, sand, water, and the sun are all examples of abiotic factors.

The River to Sea Preserve, located in the warm humid peninsula of Florida, is home to many biotic and abiotic factors that are studied by the people in the MatBio Project. One of those biotic factors is the Green Sea Turtle. One of the biotic Factors is the Green Sea Turtle. The Green Sea Turtle is found in nearly all ocean area near the equator. It can be found in the River to Sea Preserve when it is in the season for laying eggs. On the beach, it can run into abiotic factors, such as compactness of the sand when digging. Or, they can run into biotic factors, such as small fishes near the coast line to eat. Another species found in the River to Sea Preserve is the Dayflower. This pretty blue flower grows in a bush and will attract insects like bees, ants, and aphids. This plant can also be eaten by humans, interestingly enough.

The River to Sea Preserve is home to many different types of biotic and abiotic components. With just a quick look around the park, hundreds of different species could be identified, and hundreds of factors affecting those species could also be identified.

Posted on October 14, 2015 03:37 AM by i3haylieshi i3haylieshi


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