Findley Park

A new adventure to Findley Park 20 minutes out of town. I will return this week as long as Drew and Noah do not crash my car tonight...

Spotted some amazing birds there, even a few new ones:
White-throated sparrow
house wren
palm warbler (migrations season!!)
blue-winged teal (super cool. Identified them from the air. they are shy it seems)

and some old favorites:
Eastern Bluebird (truly a favorite)

Tree Swallows (a ton of them. And they were not shy, I got within four feet of a bunch of them. They are beautiful! I love the passerines.)

Great Blue Heron (stalking prey by the lake's edge. so cool!)

Yellow Warbler (funny because I could hear it in a bush for at least five minutes and I'm looking at the bush and getting frustrated because I don't know why I can't see this bird at eye level ten feet from me. But then he appeared! Bright yellow is a good camouflage believe it or not)
Hairy/Downy? woodpecker, foraging on the ground which was cool

black-capped chickadees
very angry canadian geese, with yellow goslings
yellow rumped warbler
red-tailed hawk
blue jays
chipping sparrows, which are everywhere. and two other sorts, but i was too tired at that point to really try and id them.

i think i saw the nose of a turtle poking through the water as well. will have to study my turtle noses, of all things. practiced whistling too.

really it was a day. i think i even impressed nick with my list, and he makes a point not to care about birds... though he likes jays and cardinals. I'd guess he'd like yellow warblers too, hard not to like really

Posted on April 29, 2013 03:42 AM by jane_c jane_c


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