Lake Champlain Islands and Swanton Vermont

The approach taken during my third outing differhs greatly from my previous two. It took place on Friday, March 11th from the hours of 1:00-5:00pm. Driving and stopping at multiple areas, mainly fields (for hawks) and bays (for waterfowl) to scope with binoculars was the was primary strategy employed. My first bird siting occurred just as I was getting off Exit 17 (Lake Champlain Islands). It was a Red-tailed Hawk perched in a tree. What initially caught my eye was the sun bouncing off the white breast of the bird. The reddish hue of the underside of the tail was the second trait that I used to confirm the raptor as a Red-tailed Hawk. I then continued north, across the causeway and to the parking lot of Sand Bar. I stopped in the parking lot, and walked through a hedgerow, looking out at a marshy landscape loaded with snags. Here, I saw another Red-tailed Hawk which took off instantly upon seeing me, landing in another tree further off in the distance.

I then continued on along the west shore, looking primarily for waterfowl. Passing some residences, I saw Black-capped Chickadees as well as many Red-wing Blackbirds. In addition, Canada Geese were plentiful along the lake front as well as in a majority of the fields that I passed. Other sightings included some Common Mergansers as well as a drake and hen Hooded Merganser between Alburgh and Swanton.

Posted on March 19, 2016 01:34 AM by jpleonar jpleonar


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Red-tailed Hawk (Buteo jamaicensis)




March 4, 2016


-perched in a tree just off exit 17 on I-89

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Hooded Merganser (Lophodytes cucullatus)




March 4, 2016


-a drake and a hen
-on Lake Champlain between Alburg and Swanton


Correction: This actually took place on Friday, March 4th (not March 11th)

Posted by jpleonar about 8 years ago

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