Centennial Woods Natural Area

This log documents a bird-walk that I took through Centennial Woods Natural Area on Saturday, March 19th. I arrived at the site around approximately 4:30 pm. Upon arrival, I entered the woods through the entrance across the street from UVM Police Services. My transect took me through a large portion of the Natural Area, eventually bringing me towards the southeast portion close to the Sheraton. I stopped at some feeders and stood still for approximately ten minutes. During this duration of time I was assailed by Tufted Titmice and Black-capped Chickadees which were engaging in their typical social mobbing behavior. In addition to these songbirds, I also saw a Downy Woodpecker. I watched this bird for about ten minutes as well to ensure that it was in fact a Downy. Judging by the size of the bird and the fact that the beak seemed approximately half the length of the head, I was able to confirm this identification. I then proceeded out of the heavier forested area of the woods and went into an open field. It was here that I saw a large Pileated Woodpecker which stopped on a tree but did not stick around for long, flying due east (ballistic flight pattern.)

I then exited the natural area and walked up Carrigan Drive towards UVM Police Services. On the periphery of Centennial Woods, I saw a large group of American Robins in staghorn sumac trees as well as the ground, intermixed with some European Starlings. With this large group of birds, I also saw a Hairy Woodpecker which was significantly larger in body size than the Downy Woodpecker I saw in the interior of the forest. The bill of this bird was also significantly longer (about 2/3 the length of the head.) Lastly, there were two Mallard Ducks present in the constructed wetland on the opposite side of Carrigan Drive, consisting of one hen and one drake.

Posted on April 9, 2016 12:34 AM by jpleonar jpleonar


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Hairy Woodpecker (Dryobates villosus)




March 26, 2016


-At the periphery of Centennial Woods across from UVM Police Services
-bill long and thorn-like, more than 2/3 length of head
-seen among a large group of American Robins, mixed with some European Starlings

Photos / Sounds

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Downy Woodpecker (Dryobates pubescens)




March 26, 2016


-bill approximately half the length of the head
-seen with Black-capped Chickadees, White-breasted Nuthatches, and Tufted Titmice

Photos / Sounds

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Pileated Woodpecker (Dryocopus pileatus)




March 26, 2016


-large red crest
-ballistic flight pattern
-heard approximately 10 minutes before sighted
-at periphery of woods close to the parking lot


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