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Western White Clematis (Clematis ligusticifolia)




October 15, 2019 03:34 PM MDT


USA (Google, OSM)


Linh Chi Ngoc Bui
Menaul School
a. Botanical:
Name category:
Family: Ranunculaceae.
Common name: Western white clematis.
Scientific name: Clematis ligusticifolia.
Traditional name: Pepper Vine.
Also known as: Western White Virgin’s Bower, Creek Clematis, Creekside Virgin’s Bower, Deciduous Traveler’s-joy, Old-man’s Beard, Pipestems, Pepper Vine, or Yerba de Chiva (Goatbeard plant).

Botanical characteristics:
Leaves are pinnately and compound together. They have around 5-7 leaflets.
Compound leaf usually has 5-7 ovate leaflets.
Strong semi-woody stem, about 15- 20 feet tall.
Flower is leafy-bracted paniculate. Lack of petal but have full four sepals.
Female flower has both pistil and interfile stamen. Male flower only has stamen.
Sepals are white, oval-lanceolate shape.
Fruits are delicate, fluffy achenes.
Light requirement: sun, part shade. Especially on afternoon shade. Usually, mulch help to cool the roots when the weather is too humid.
Adapted to Coarse Texture Soil.
Medium Drought Tolerance.
Multiple stem growth form.
Seeds ripen from September to October.
Toxic principle: Anemonin (C10H804).

b. Ecological information:
Habitat: develop in grey sage desert, yellow pine, along creek bottoms (water), lake shores, in various forests and Ponderosa Pine Forest. It is mostly occurred in wetlands and non-wetland. Disturb environment also affect the plant’s growth badly, because the plant is not able to grow through harsh conditions (flood, fire, tsunami, etc.)

Distribution: This plant grows throughout western North America. It also can be found in British Columbia and west side of southern Washington and Oregon, as well as in California, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, Nebraska, Utah, Arizona, Texas and New Mexico.
Popular native areas: New Mexico, Arizona, Texas.

Effect to ecology: This plant usually attracts birds, humming birds, bee and butterflies. Bird use the baldachin part of the plant (bud, sepal) to use as a cover for their nest. The silky seed are also perfect tool to build the net. Insect usually build their net on the surface of the leaf. Bee prefer to pollinate on the oval part of the flower.

c. Ethnobotanical information:
White western clematis is also known as the “Pepper Vine. People used this name in reference to the bitter, pepper taste of the stem and leaves. Native people chewed this plant as a treatment for sore throat and cold. The stem part was also using for making convey bag and bowstrings. The cataplasm part of this plant uses to treat wounds, bruises, swelling, painful joints, chest pain and backache. The root parts are used for shampoos. The mashed roots were put in horse nostrils to activate the animals.
There is no toxic damage report of this specie, but its genus has a high hazard level. Some specie in this genus can cause mouth pain if eaten, causing the burn to sensation and ulcers. It can also cause a burning sensation and redness skin.

Feeds : Atom