Oscar Hopgood

Joined: Sep 1, 2019 Last Active: Jun 18, 2024 iNaturalist United Kingdom Monthly Supporter since August 2023

My lifelong goal is to document all of the species under the kingdom of animalia. Obviously this goal is constantly changing due to extinctions and is overall impossible to do within a single human life time. However, as long as I live I will be working towards this goal.

I am fascinated by the amazing diversity of species and habitats Earth has to offer and I plan on exploring them all, leaving no stone unturned so to speak. Currently I am working two jobs to save for the many travels and equipment I will need to take around the globe in search of new species to me. I am also studying ecology along side this to get a useful education for my goal. Sadly this means I don't have a lot of time currently to travel and record apart from the odd family holiday but this should change in the coming years.

I like to think some day my account will showcase that even in a world where all we hear is news of mass extinctions and hopelessness, that there is countless fascinating and stunningly unique species to protect in every corner of our planet.

I only count research grade observations as that species being checked off the metaphorical list so a special thanks goes to all the identifiers who help with corrections and confirmations of my observations.

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