Photo 113309518, (c) Lindsay Alexander, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Lindsay Alexander

Attribution © Lindsay Alexander
some rights reserved
Uploaded by linds-nz linds-nz
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


New Zealand White-faced Storm-Petrel (Pelagodroma marina ssp. maoriana)




November 2019


Found beside track, slightly inland. 'Fresh' showing signs of possible predation. No head. Positively identified by yellow web on feet. Two other WFSP later found in close proximity. One just a wing identified as probable WFSP on 3 January 2020. The other another headless body found on 11 February 2020. Identified by measurements and yellow webs. Both these desiccated. Not the same bird as I put each in the compost! What was going on? Birds attracted to town lights and predated?
