Photo 132155673, (c) PineyWoodsCrayfish, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by PineyWoodsCrayfish

Attribution © PineyWoodsCrayfish
some rights reserved
Uploaded by pineywoodscrayfish pineywoodscrayfish
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Southwestern Creek Crayfish (Procambarus dupratzii)


May 27, 2021


This specimen was found in Birches Creek in turbid water with moderate flow due to recent rains, but it was the only specimen of any type found in two days. The location it was found in is mostly clay substrate with a little bit of exposed rock in the creek bed. It was retained and I could get a few more pictures if needed for identification, though its markings are very distinct, it's feisty and seemingly doing well. It is fairly large, about 3.7 inches long from tip of the nose to tip of the tail. This specimen appears to be male.
