Photo 15137890, no rights reserved, uploaded by Di Turner

Attribution By Di Turner
no rights reserved
Uploaded by outramps-tanniedi outramps-tanniedi
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


May 22, 2012


Phylica velutina gn

Closely leafy, sparsely branched shrublet, to 30 cm. Leaves needle-like, 13--23 mm long, rough, margins closely revolute. Flowers in dense spikes, subtended by long, buff-plumose bracts, white, subsessile.
A population reduction of 20-30% is estimated based on loss of lowland habitat to crop cultivation and urban expansion in the past 120 years (generation length >50 years). An estimated 15-20 remaining locations continue to decline due to ongoing habitat loss. It is Redlisted as Near threatened

