Photo 15207945, (c) pietermier, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

Attribution © pietermier
some rights reserved
Uploaded by pietermier pietermier
Source iNaturalist
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Southern Treefig (Stoeberia utilis)




August 19, 2009


Stoeberia utilis

A perennial succulent shrub that can grow up till 2m high with thick stems at the base. The leaves are triangular to boat shaped in diameter, grey-green, can grow to 5cm in diameter. The flowers are yellow to green-white, can grow to 1.5cm in diameter. The fruit capsules are woody with 5 locules which opens when it gets whet to spread the seeds and stays open after drying. Flowers June to September. This specie numbers are critically decreasing due to extreme braking and cutting for fire wood in the Richtersveld, some colonies has already been completely wiped out. S. utilis is also important for lichens and host many lichens, I have counted up to 14 lichen species on one S. utilis on Visagiesfonteinkop.

