Photo 15466757, no rights reserved, uploaded by Di Turner

Attribution By Di Turner
no rights reserved
Uploaded by outramps-tanniedi outramps-tanniedi
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Cascade Sugarbush (Protea venusta)


May 10, 2014


Protea venusta

The plant was found by members of the Mountain Club of South Africa on a meet led by Greg Devine, who is the Chairman of the Southern Cape Section. Tony Bowen, Cheryl and Greg Devine are part of the Outramps "High Altitude Team".

From the Red List
"EOO 1356 km², AOO 117 km², small, severely fragmented subpopulations continue to decline due to too frequent fire. Unexplained mass population mortality has been observed on the Kammanassie Mountain. Climate change models predict a population reduction of at least 50% by 2025 (Bomhard et al. 2005), generation length 20 years."

It is Redlisted as Endangered
