Photo 15544382, (c) pietermier, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC)

Attribution © pietermier
some rights reserved
Uploaded by pietermier pietermier
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




August 26, 2014


Ornithogalum sp. Koeskopfontein (1)

Perennial deciduous herb with a fleshy bulb that can grow up to 50cm tall. Leaf single, long strap-shaped to linear, flat, glabrous or slightly covered with re-curved hair, shiny, sticky, margins entire, to 1cm broad and 35cm long, slightly flaccid. Flowers 1 or 2 on long non branched or slightly branched stems. Flowering stems are covered with short re-curved hair. Flowers grows nodding, yellow with green stripe, filaments spreading, grows to 1.5cm in diameter. Flowers open late in the afternoon till early in the morning. Grows in annual damp places, water-seepages in full shade within Renosterveld on southern facing sandstone slopes.

