Photo 15886769, no rights reserved, uploaded by Di Turner

Attribution By Di Turner
no rights reserved
Uploaded by outramps-tanniedi outramps-tanniedi
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Cape Zebra (Galaxias zebratus)


February 5, 2016


Galaxias zebratus cf. joubertina

"This Gondwanoid fish has existed for 64 million years and was discovered by RBT Smith in 1995 for the first time and documented by Dr. Jim Cambray from the Albany Museum and Dr. Anton Bok from Directorate: Eastern Cape Nature Conservation. This discovery opened the door to some groundbreaking research around the regions fish biodiversity with paradigm shift results and implications. The Upper Wabooms river – whose source tributaries of the Joubertina and Krakeel River and interestingly the Tweerivier and Kromme River source just east of the original discovery is the only place presently where these fish are found on the globe"
This information was given to us by Rodger Smith of Joubertina
