Photo 217637797, (c) Diana Studer, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Diana Studer

Attribution © Diana Studer
some rights reserved
Uploaded by dianastuder dianastuder
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Table Mountain Plumeseed (Zyrphelis taxifolia)




July 27, 2022 10:57 AM SAST


Twirly with furled petals, up in the sun opening in the warm shelter of a rock.
taxifolia = leaves like yew
We usually see lonely plants dotted about. This year masses up the slope and along the ridge (but Zyrphelis keeps its masses understated)
Zyrphelis = Possible misspelling of Zephyr, the mythological god of the west wind and lover of Flora - says CasaBio
In subtribe Homochrominae with other weird daisies - Amellus, Chrysocoma, Polyarrhena and also ubiquitous Felicia (NOT having a good year this time)
