Photo 22451089, (c) william van Niekerk, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by william van Niekerk

Attribution © william van Niekerk
some rights reserved
Uploaded by william6 william6
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




November 17, 2016 09:49 PM UTC


Archer (1965) does not describe the male of benoiti, but this is assumed to be that species due to the less elevated abdomen (in comparison to Archer's oblique references to larvatus) and because a female recorded in the area 3 days previous appears (to me) to be benoiti.

For reference: Archer, A.F. (1965) A new species of Cyphalonotus from Central Africa (Araneae, Argiopidae). Revue de Zoologie et de Botanique Africaines 72, pp. 79-82

Dippenaar-Schoeman, A. (2014). Field Guide to the Spiders of South Africa. LAPA Publishers.
