Photo 27542162, (c) dfopacific, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by dfopacific

Attribution © dfopacific
some rights reserved
Uploaded by dfopacific dfopacific
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




July 7, 2018


  1. Nautilus event log: small white coral that was on the rock from soft coral - attached to rock.
  2. ONC annotation (SeaTube): ORGANISM - soft coral on rock.
  3. Real-time online science chatroom:(08:17:15 PM) MeredithEverett: It looks like you have at least 4 species of coral here. (08:22:10 PM) MeredithEverett: From what I can see: Parastenella, Paragorgia, and then two I don't have a clear view of. (08:56:34 PM) MeredithEverett: Parantipathes or Lillipathes maybe. You're far enough North you're into a further spp zone than most of what I see. (09:11:41 PM) MeredithEverett: It also allows you to capture a snapshot of the entire coral/sponge community without having to sample every individual.
  4. Description from live audio recording:
  5. SeaTube URL of ROV video and audio:
    >>NOTE: please click the link then COPY-PASTE the following timecode to the end of the URL: T20:00:38.000Z

  6. Additional details: