Photo 280558, (c) icosahedron, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by icosahedron

Attribution © icosahedron
some rights reserved
Uploaded by icosahedron icosahedron
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Faux Persil (Cardiospermum corindum)




March 17, 2013 02:50 PM PDT


Not Immediately able to get proper name for this striking and well-known vine... as a matter of fact, virtually all of the 'scientific' names in the Baja guidebooks I'd available don't correspond to the names in our database. Our mexican guide had complained bitterly about that; I'd have to agree it's frustrating. Not sure why these names--and I'm sure there are reasons they are changed--can't be more effectively cross-referenced.
Another gripe: I'd be happier if local names got a bit of play.
