Photo 28309240, (c) Jerry Cooper, some rights reserved (CC BY), uploaded by Jerry Cooper

Attribution © Jerry Cooper
some rights reserved
Uploaded by cooperj cooperj
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Earthstars (Genus Geastrum)




July 12, 2008


NZ has three species related to G. saccatum of which this one. This collection under pines in plantation. Note that none of the three species are the 'real' G. saccatum of the northern hemisphere.

Relatively small. Endoperidial body sessile, peristome fimbriate, delineated, rays curling back and encrusting debris (mycelial layer present towards perimeter), not hygroscopic (i.e. on drying the rays remain curved back)S. urface of exoperidium felted, external less so, not encrusting debris in mycelial felt. Spores, excluding ornamentation length=3.6–4.4µm (µ=3.9, σ=0.2), n=20. Peridium with swollen setae and minutely furfuraceous.

Note this has dried brown. It is not red/pink staining when fresh.
