Photo 62707136, (c) robertweeden, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by robertweeden

Attribution © robertweeden
some rights reserved
Uploaded by robertweeden robertweeden
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Tundra Shrew (Sorex tundrensis)




March 3, 2020 04:52 PM AKST


Tentative id based on the large amount of grey underbelly, distinct transition from brown to grey, the short tail with distinctly darker tip, and the overall size (subjective, I did not get a measurement). Habitat = open spruce forest about 300 meters below treeline.

It was -5 F. Shrew was crossing the road and had to do some searching to find a soft spot where it could get back under the snow. I wonder if its extremities are red due to increased blood circulation to keep from freezing. Normal subnivean temp should be around 28 F.
