Photo 65569975, (c) David Whyte, some rights reserved (CC BY-SA), uploaded by David Whyte

Attribution © David Whyte
some rights reserved
Uploaded by davidwhyte davidwhyte
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Coprinopsis Sect. Lanatulae (Section Lanatulae)




April 4, 2020 11:51 AM NZDT


Handful growing on mulch. This was only one not deliquescenced

Spores black and have germination spore. states that "Pleurocystidia enormous; variously shaped; 70-150 x 20-60 µ; cheilocystidia similar.'

Have captured what I think is the cystidia. Very visible even under 450x magnification. Eyeball guess (very unreliable) puts the ratio between spores ('Spores 10-14 x 6-8.5 µ') and cystida to be approximately correct.

Also found other weird looking things, might be contamination of sample, or just random stuff.

Stain was two part dentists for plaque. Red for fresh plaque (one would assume sugars) and blue for older plaque (one would assume carbohydrates).

Stain flushed with KOH and mounted in KOH.
