Photo 89449281, (c) Catherine, some rights reserved (CC BY-NC), uploaded by Catherine

Attribution © Catherine
some rights reserved
Uploaded by thequirkyquail thequirkyquail
Source iNaturalist
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds


Great Hammerhead (Sphyrna mokarran)




August 2020


I am not sure what type of sea creature this is. I only photographed its dorsal fin. It was seen from the beach, and its fin appeared above the water a few times every now and then. You could see it glide when moving; I assume it is some type of shark. I see that there is a gray/white stripe at the right edge of the dorsal fin, while the rest is mostly dark gray. The last two pictures depict a gray color. However, the fin is very pointy and tall. Not sure if it is some kind of shark or even a dolphin. Maybe someone who is familiar with marine life in the area or around Georgia's coast could help identify this creature. Thanks!
