Photo 94104949, no rights reserved, uploaded by Peter de Lange

Attribution By Peter de Lange
no rights reserved
Uploaded by pjd1 pjd1
Source iNaturalist NZ
Associated observations

Photos / Sounds




November 30, 2019


Corticolous on rawiritoa (Kunzea amathicola). Specimen with K+ yellow thallus. Exciple K+ red. Ascospores (45-)50 × 25 μm, with curved apices.

Matches this taxon best though the thallus should be K- and the ascospores are too small.

Specimen needs TLC and possibly DNA to confirm identification suggested here.

Identified by A.J. Marshall.

Images from herbarium material in dry state.

Noted for Wharariki - Puponga Bioblitz November 2019.

Voucher: P.J. de Lange 14884 & T.J.P. de Lange, UNITEC 12251.
