Projects from Yogyakarta

Biodiversitas Sungai Yogyakarta icon

Biodiversitas Sungai Yogyakarta

Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta memiliki beberapa sungai besar (Progo, Opak, Oyo, Winongo, dsb.) dan ba...
Biodiversitas Sungai Yogyakarta icon

Biodiversitas Sungai Yogyakarta

Provinsi Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta memiliki beberapa sungai besar (Progo, Opak, Oyo, Winongo, dsb.) dan ba...
Butterflies of Java (Indonesia) icon

Butterflies of Java (Indonesia)

To document the butterflies species in the indonesian island of Java, as well as their distribution and abu...
Flora of Java icon

Flora of Java

Compilation of Javan Flora
Herpetomaps Jogja icon

Herpetomaps Jogja

Project "HERPETOMAPS JOGJA" dibuat pada 07 Maret 2022 . Wadah untuk bertukar informasi dan identifikasi ser...
Jogja Bryophytes icon

Jogja Bryophytes

Jogja Bryophytes – a citizen science project documenting bryophytes (mosses, liverworts, hornworts) distrib...
Lanternflies (Fulgoridae) of the Malay Archipelago icon

Lanternflies (Fulgoridae) of the Malay Archipelago

A project for organizing lanternfly observations recorded from the Malay Archipelago, defined as including ...
Moths of Java (Indonesia) icon

Moths of Java (Indonesia)

To document the moth species of Java (and neighbour islands) as well as their distribution and abundance, w...
Spiders of Java icon

Spiders of Java

This project aims to cataloging the diversity of spiders in Java
Wildlife of Java and Nearby Islands icon

Wildlife of Java and Nearby Islands

A project to collect wildlife on Java and nearby islands
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